Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Australian

The Australian
Originally uploaded by mikecogh.
The average Australian relaxing on an average day in the average Australian back yard :)

Broome at Sunset

Originally uploaded by mikecogh.
Just ensuring that Flickr still talks to Blogger....I haven't tried this for a while. There is really an astounding number of ways to get content into your blog - directly via Blogger, via phone, via email, via Word, via Google Videos and YouTube....

anyway...this is one of the many beautiful classic images of a Broome sunset. The boat is just there for tourists - it's a fake lugger that takes you out for a pearling demo and a few drinks, but it looks really inviting as you fly in to Broome, and gets the digicams clicking if you're on the beach watching the daylight fade.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

To Blog or Pod? Blog or Pod? Blog or Pod.....

...this time I decided to pod(cast). Go over here for some thoughts on a recent seminar where Philip Adams and James Farmer were two of the speakers.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Blogging Movies in YouTube

Me on August 2nd

Sorry about the poor audio quality. Just seeing how YouTube links to Blogger.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

What Old People Do For Fun...

Just trying out the post to blog feature from Google Video.....looks very impressive.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


From: berquist <berquist@PA.NET>

A lecturer in microbiology at Bradford University in the United Kingdom
has said he will eliminate traditional lectures from his biochemistry
course and replace them with podcasts. Students in Bill Ashraf's class
will review the podcasts on their own time. They will submit questions
to Ashraf through text messages, and he will respond to those inquiries
on his blog. In addition, students needing to meet with Ashraf will be
able to check his schedule online and make appointments with the
professor through the Web. "Some lecture classes have 250 students,"
said Ashraf, "so I question the effectiveness of a didactic lecture for
an hour." He said the new format will be especially beneficial for
distance and part-time students and those with less flexible schedules.
BBC, 26 May 2006

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Storing Media Elsewhere

this is an audio post - click to play

The audio above was phoned in.
This audio is stored over on Podomatic.
This photo of a beach in Portugal is stored on Flickr.
This movie (about Audacity) is stored at YouTube.*

So I can use a blog to point to media stored elsewhere on free sites. Wondering where to put large files on the web is no longer a problem. (I could also have just inserted the photo here in Blogger.)

* But check this re YouTube!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday, April 14, 2006

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Uraidla Show

There's yet another neat new blogging tool to play with - Bubbleshare! It allows narrating a sound track over a series of photos to produce shows like this. (You create your slideshow and Bubbleshare gives you the code to paste into your blog. Easy!)

Message for Jyothi

this is an audio post - click to play

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Mark (the pup), Mike, and Dave from Old Dogs Can.

Michael in Song

Who's Mark Keough?
What do I sound like?
Where do Michael Coghlan and Old Dogs Can play?
Seven Stars Hotel
First Friday every month
187 Angas St City
7 - 11 pm

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Learncasting, etc

Thoughts generated by a conversation with Allan Carrington. See Allan's great slides where he introduces the concept of Learncasting, and lists the value of using audio as part of instructional content.
Scholar360 is the new LMS referred to that attempts to incorporate a social software approach.
Image above courtesy of

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Origins of Social Software

I imagine this blog is going to get blogged a thousand times but I just read this account of where it all came from. Origins deep in the past - 1940's even! The term 'social software' first used by Clay Shirky in 2002.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

eLearning - an Interview

David Day has just posted an interview with me recorded earlier this year about

* What I was doing in 2005
* My journey through elearning
* The Webheads
* Vance Stevens
* David Winet and EFI
* Jonathan Finkelstein and LearningTimes
* Communities of Practice
* Moving f2f teachers online
* mature age teachers and elearning
* liaising with IT support staff

David had an individual LearnScope project for 2005 looking at the "very complex process of moving a VET practitioner from the traditional classroom delivery environment to becoming an online facilitator" and has published the fruits of his research on this engaging and comprehensive website.

Thanks for posting this David. (41 minutes and not a fast download) And it took my mind off what's happening in Sydney. I can't help feeling Australia has changed this week......

PS You can also listen to more than 20 interviews with other Australian elearning leaders!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Thank you

It was a breeze, Michael...

(This photo of the Chinese Gardens in Sydney is courtesy of Ken Gooding who was also looking for an oasis of serenity.)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

eLearning in 2005

this is an audio post - click to play
Is this message decipherable? It isn't over my current 26.4 connection......

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Camera Blogging

this is an audio post - click to play

Leave Me on the Beach

this is an audio post - click to play

I'm thinking I might use this post as a spoken intro to a guide about audioblogging. Fit the bill? Oh yes - it was posted from the spot where I took the pic :)
PS. Leave Me on the Beach has been a favourite theme of mine over the years.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Audioblog v Podcast?

See these examples of podcasts that Graham Stanley is using with young learners in Spain:

When Graham writes:

"At the other place I work (teaching students of Tourism), I've asked the
learners for audio reports as part of their assessment on a short course on
theme tourism. The first group are just finishing these, and I'll be
uploading them to the site from tomorrow.

Here, the idea is for the students to produce a short radio-type report (as
a podcast) for a general audience. Their reports are to be made available to
anyone on the Internet who may be interested in listening , and I'm also
going to encourage the other students to listen to them."

This is similar to what others are calling audioblogging. What is it that makes one podcasting or audioblogging? Is it
* the intention (engage, instruct, invite comment)?
* the target audience?
* the software used?



Dafne Gonzalez and Lee Baber also shared what they were doing with their classes on the webheads discussion list. Let me take two examples:

1) Lee: "I am going to launch an audioblog.. one spokesperson per class.. for students to respond to the days lessons with questions, ideas, suggestions to other

2) Dafne: "Students summarize texts and record their summaries"

Lee uses the term audioblogging. Daf refers to activity number 2 above as podcasts. But in type, these two activities are essentially the same. Students are summarising and reporting in audio. So is podcasting and audioblogging the same thing? A minor point I realise - I often want to run away and do something more interesting when people start talking definitions but in this case I'm curious - is there a difference between podcasting and audioblogging?

Friday, October 21, 2005

Damn that Rubbish Truck

this is an audio post - click to play

This post is actually in the wrong blog! Go over to the New Practices Blog to hear the context of this message :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bee on Blogs

Barbara Dieu (Bee) from Brazil offers a few thoughts on Blogging for delegates of the AMEP Conference in Sydney.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Thursday, September 22, 2005

What makes you reflect?

It seems blogger is just getting better and better. I can now upload photos directly into Blogger without having to use a third party like Now let's see if I can add an audio bit.....

Check New Practices Blog for more musings on Reflection and Blogging.

Friday, September 09, 2005

MMS'ing from Phone

OK. In the previous post I sent an MMS (multimedia message service)
message from my mobile to the email account for my blog and it
appeared. Along with a nice message from Telstra (the carrier) saying
they are responsible for putting the message there, not me. Thanks
Telstra. Now shall we sell you?

Also tried to MMS an image through but that didn't work. If I lived
in the US it would. Go to for more info, and
to see some examples of how folks use this MMS to blog feature.

A'blogging we will go, A'blogging we will go.......

Message brought to you by Telstra MMS

This message was sent from +61417899912 This MMS message was powered by Telstra. Sharing picture and video messages is easy with Telstra's Picture and Video Messaging (MMS) service. To find out more, visit

Text from phone 2 blog....

Blogging from Email

There seem to be so many ways to blog! Via Blogger, phone, Word, and now I'm sending this one via email.......

Friday, September 02, 2005

The Real Deal

Phoned, recorded, and posted this message for the LEARN network during my presentation on Emerging Tedchnologies. This was the first time I've tried this during a presentation and God bless Blogger - it worked! Meanwhile the folks in New Orleans struggle to stay alive....Fats Domino was found alive. It seems the wealthy got out - they had boats, or had the money to pay for one, and as nice as Fats may be he's probably a wealthy man. And he deserves to be. "I'm walkin' to New Orleans", "I found my thrill" etc.

this is an audio post - click to play

Music and Me

 A friend asked me whether I'd ever told my friends about a song I wrote about a friend who got killed in a car accident. (See The Balla...