Showing posts with label rck'n'roll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rck'n'roll. Show all posts

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Song #40 Rock'n'Roll Anthem


(Don Henley and Band, 2017)



Somebody told me it had all been done

Rock’n’roll had nowhere to go

I don’t believe them anymore than I believe you

When you tell me I’m a liar


You see I remember when rock was young

Full of life and with places to go

Change the world we cried and off we marched

You tell me it all went wrong – oh so sadly


The music lived on but the spirit died

Lead guitar faded but the keyboard soared

Long peaceful hair became short and angry

Tell me I don’t know what I’m saying at all


Now we’re living in the 1980s

Every new direction somebody has followed

Every new tune sounds like another of old


Feed the world somebody cried

Millions of people are going to die

Now rock’n’roll’s got somewhere to go

I know I’m not lying – the starving are living again



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