Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Song #27 An English Folk Song

 In 1982 Hiske and I were doing a lot of busking and constantly looking for new and entertaining songs to sing on the street. Old English folk songs seemed very popular so we decided to write this light-hearted little ditty making fun of what seemed to be a standard format for so many English folk songs. (For the record, I love old English folks songs :) It proved quite popular. 



I am an English folk song and I go like this

If I had a sir in front of my name you could call me Sir John

But I’m not Sir John

I am an English folk song and I go like this



I’m not Dutch

G for German

F for French

I am an English folk song and I go like this


I must be sung through the nose

Or they won’t know what you say

You’ll be hearing me a hundred years from now

Once century to the next


And I use the same chords every year

So you won’t get confused

And I wouldn’t be an English folk song

If I didn’t go like this



Michael Coghlan/Hiske Weijers 1982)

Notes from New Caledonia and Vanuatu (November 2015)

Noumea Travel: the waiting game. Noumea. Hotel Nouvata. Lobby. 40 minutes till shuttle bus for airport arrives. Heading to Vanuatu. Should a...