People will
say you can’t behave that way
But you know
you can because you did it last night
People will
say you wouldn’t risk what you’ve got
But I know I
would because I gambled the lot
Driven by a force that pulls you down
Under the sea at night as you slowly drown
Suddenly she
turns and faces your fury with pain
There’s some
dumb expression about pain meaning gain
Then you notice there’s a fire in her eyes
You push no further or you’ll forfeit the prize
Of waking up tomorrow when the cool wind blows
With the one you’ve always dreamed of in a love that glows
People might
say you’d never hide like a kid
Under the blankets
to forget what you did
I know I can
because I did it that day
Till she
came to me and told me all was OK
No need to fret or frown just get on with the day
I didn’t know she’d already been away
She’d been
down to the ocean in the dark of the night
Had already left
me to make everything alright
So we’d wake tomorrow when the cool wind blow
With the one you’ve always dreamed of in the afterglow
People might
say that your sea looks so calm
They have no
idea what can lurk beneath the charm
always so together so much in control
But they don’t
know the fire that consumes a restless soul
Driven by a force that pulls you down
Under the sea at night as you slowly drown
And you’ll wake tomorrow when the cool wind blows
With the one you’ve always dreamed of in a love that grows
Commentary; Speed bumps appearing on the relationship road. Jealousies and neuroses boil over in an uncharacteristic explosion. Fears confronted and staired down by someone who was wise enough to act, depart, and return. I'll leave it there! Quite a powerful song. Was never recorded.... we'll see ;)