Thursday, June 08, 2006

Storing Media Elsewhere

this is an audio post - click to play

The audio above was phoned in.
This audio is stored over on Podomatic.
This photo of a beach in Portugal is stored on Flickr.
This movie (about Audacity) is stored at YouTube.*

So I can use a blog to point to media stored elsewhere on free sites. Wondering where to put large files on the web is no longer a problem. (I could also have just inserted the photo here in Blogger.)

* But check this re YouTube!


Unknown said...

Looks great. How do you do this? i.e. link to Podomatic etc in blogger posts.

Michael said...

Great to see that you dropped my my blog Thangaes. How do I do this? That needs rather a long answer. A summary of audioblogging options can be found at
And more info here at

Linking to Podomatic posts is relatively easy as each separate podcast has its own URL. I hope this answers at least some of your questions.

Leigh Blackall said...

Hi Mike, podomatic looks pretty good. The page you linked to has a link called "download". It points to the MP3 so you could use that to be more direct in your linking here in your blog.

Michael said...

Excellent idea Leigh! Done.

Elizabeth H-S said...

Hi Michael--
You could put the picture directly into Blogger also:
Edit posts
Click on the tiny picture which asks you to browse your desktop (or elsewhere) to add a picture.
Or you can just put the URL into the HTML in the post (click the Edit HTML tab).


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