Tuesday, December 13, 2005

eLearning - an Interview

David Day has just posted an interview with me recorded earlier this year about

* What I was doing in 2005
* My journey through elearning
* The Webheads
* Vance Stevens
* David Winet and EFI
* Jonathan Finkelstein and LearningTimes
* Communities of Practice
* Moving f2f teachers online
* mature age teachers and elearning
* liaising with IT support staff

David had an individual LearnScope project for 2005 looking at the "very complex process of moving a VET practitioner from the traditional classroom delivery environment to becoming an online facilitator" and has published the fruits of his research on this engaging and comprehensive website.

Thanks for posting this David. (41 minutes and not a fast download) And it took my mind off what's happening in Sydney. I can't help feeling Australia has changed this week......

PS You can also listen to more than 20 interviews with other Australian elearning leaders!


deliab said...

Dear Michael,

Some of your comments in the early part of the interview reminded me of an article I wrote some years ago. I think it is still timely. It is housed at: http://www.yarranet.net.au/aceweb/econf/fervourbest.html

What a treasure trove these interviews will make. With best wishes,


deliab said...

I'm hoping this link will now become active:

Deepika said...
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