Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Message for Participants of Teresa's Session at the APPI Conference

this is an audio post - click to play

This message posted by phone to Audioblogger.

1 comment:

Teresa Almeida d'Eça said...

Hi, Michael!
It's 18:40 (GMT +1) Lisbon time and while preparing a Plan B - screenshots of everything I want to show -, I was very pleasantly surprised to notice your audioblog message for my session participants. Thank you! It's very sweet! :-)
I'm glad that you like the Vasco da Gama photo story, because I do too. I thoroughly enjoyed searching the Internet for all the photos and then creating it. It was for a presentation I gave for Daf's Urban Planning students at Alado.
Beijinhos & hugs,

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