Sunday, February 13, 2005

The Weekend

Presentation on Audioblogging (in LearningTimes)
Janet McMillan
Sunday Lunch Venue


Chris said...

Hi, Michael,

Is it possible you could add the xml code to your blog, so that I could easily add it to my bloglines? It's in the Settings area under Site Feed in your dashboard of blogger.

I know you're really right on top of a lot of new twists and turns in voice, and I like to keep up with you. This would make it easier. I've missed your last couple presentations because they were at bad times of the day for me, and I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet :-(


Michael said...

Hi Chris. As far as I can see my blog is set up for XML and site feed. Not that I really understand how it works! Site feed is set as YES, and site feed URL is

Does that help? Can you let me know? I'd like to get a better understanding of how this works.

Stephan said...

Hi Michael,

Just went and had a look at your recorded Presentation on Audioblogging in learningtimes and every time it gets to a certain point it halts. I have tried a couple of times and it is always the same point in the recording. Just about when you mention the temp in Adelaide. Perhaps there is a glitch in the recorded file?
Stephan Ridgway

Michael said...

I know this can be very frustating Stephan but I have listened to the whole presentation all the way through without any problem. And I just checked the first 5 minutes again and it's fine. It could be that the recording is downloading in the background and will eventually resume after several minutes? Maybe try another Elluminate recording and see if they work for you?

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