Friday, February 11, 2005

New Userplane Sample - evonline 2005 Blogging Workshop

It's great of Userplane to make this tool available for free trial. It is in beta version and you can sign up for ten free posts here. I don't know how much it costs after that because it's one of those 'price on application' arrangements - not always a good sign - but it would have to be better than the freebie for me to make regular use of it. It's slow to process your video when you save it, and buffering times are longer than usual for videos of equivalent length when you try and play it from your blog.

Still, it is easy to get it into your blog. Once you have saved your video, userplane gives you the code to paste into your blog. Easy. Instant Audio works the same way. I haven't tried their video (about $30/month) but their audio is excellent.

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