Sunday, May 23, 2021

Song #12 A Pebble in the Ocean


I did sing this as a song for a short time but whatever tune belonged to it has long gone. Reads more like a poem now and I was obviously trying to say something meaningful using a sustained sea metaphor. I suspect I was also being deliberately oblique trying to disguise something that I didn’t want to be too obvious but I don’t remember what it may have been 😊




I’ll drop a pebble in the ocean

And if you’re near please just wave

Smile and be buffeted

And I’ll ride your sweet return


If you’d rather make a storm

Just send a warning sign

And I’ll float on over to mine

It may be choppy but it’s warm


Stars are like people

Both shine and lead us astray

Provide light and comfort

Through both the night and day


But it’s night time that storms

The peace and the calm away

When disparate lovers play

While others can only dream


The dark of night gives rest and solace

The dark of night disturbs the ripples

Of honest understanding

And lost misunderstanding


Join waves; make slaves

Remember the knave of bondage

You’re an island, part of the sea

Please just let us all be.



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