Monday, May 17, 2021

Song #11 Don't Judge Man


People livin’ with each other

People fightin’ with each other

Some of us learn from the people around us

Others just fix ‘emselves to the wall


Got to learn to forgive others’ sins

And never ever judge them so

Our sins, their sins

Ain’t you ever been around a man who’s down?



Don’t judge man

But don’t man judge

Don’t judge man

But don’t man judge


Travellin’ lightly

Hittin’ so lightly on the nerve

Of the walls that we cast around us

Building our own little world




Alright I’d better go now

Alright I’d better go now

Before I get burned

By a world I sometimes just don’t understand


Copyright 1978


I was never really sure about this song. It’s built around a riff rather than a tune or  melody but some people really liked it. Only now as I resurrect it do I finally accept that it is indeed a fine song! You can hear it HERE.  (Thank you Rob Childs for the encouragement.)



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