Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The New Tools Keep on Coming - Splashcast

So here's another one. As Robin Good wrote on Jan 30th:

"Every week it seems to become a little bit easier to get involved in multimedia content delivery and syndication - whether through sharing videos using Youtube, photos through Flickr, or your thoughts using popular blogging platforms. The ability to upload, embed and easily share media content is now something we take for granted, but until now there hasn't been an easy way to gather all of this content together into a personalized online channel. That is all about to change starting today."

And as usual, the following example is light in content, but should be enough to give you an idea of what Splashcast can do. You can mix and match audio, video, images, and text.

1 comment:

Marshall Kirkpatrick said...

Looks like you've got it down Michael! And don't forget that anyone who subscribes to your channel will get updated content pushed to their players automatically.

If you have any questions about SplashCast or want to compare notes on creative inspiration - drop me a line anytime.

thanks for the kind words
Marshall Kirkpatrick
Director of Content
SplashCast Media

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