Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I am not a blogger

I am definitely not a blogger! Five weeks away in Japan (Nagoya, Tokyo), New York, Scotland, York, Cambridge, London and Scotland and not a note. Hundreds of photos though and I guess that’s how I prefer to blog – visually, or by incorporating widgets like Apture, the software that’s allowing me to add all these media links (are they hyperlinks?). Paralinks maybe?

So that’s what’s prompted me to write now. Highlights were meeting many Webheads f2f for the first time, spending time with Jonathan Finkelstein of LearningTimes fame, enjoying the space and grandeur of the Scottish highlands around Oban, the classic heritage of the built environment in York and Cambridge, and a wonderful spring day in London enjoying the sunshine with thousands of others in St James Pk.

And yes, as Will Richardson wrote, I did think in advance about what I wrote here. I chose words and items that were likely to have existing web content about them!


Eric Baber said...

You were in Cambridge and didn't say hello? Shame on you Michael ;-) Great photos though, hope you enjoyed your visit.


Eric Baber said...

D'oh!! Of course you said hello - got you confused with another Oz Michael I know. 'twas good to see you and Elizabeth, hope the journey home went well.

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