Saturday, May 24, 2008

eBeam Smartboard Thing

eBeam Smartboard Thing
Originally uploaded by mikecogh
This really is quite neat. Place the gizmo (see top of pic) on a table top and the tabletop (or any flat surface in theory) effectively becomes a whiteboard. Anything written on the table will appear on the pc it's connected to. And therefore remote users could see it while it was happening. The thing is - can anyone think of a useful application for this?


theother66 (formally MadMiller) said...

When I was looking into the SmartBoard/interactive whiteboard I found that one of the best uses it has is as a collaborative tool. So they should be used MORE by the students than by the teachers.

Jim Plummer's colleagues at Urrbrae Campus have been utilising them in their area of GeoScience as a 'teaching' tool.

I'm not aware of too many more practitioners using them in VET.

Anonymous said...

I was fortunate to use a smart board in a training session recently. I found it really useful to draw diagrams notes etc onto the powerpoint I was using, then save the new version and provide it to the participants on conclusion of the session. It was so much easier than stopping, making notes of what we discussed/the image I drew and then providing it after I had the time to draw it up.

As I was doing it, I thought that it would have applications for distance education.


Marg said...


One of our staff members, Moir, teaches in Physics and uses a graphics pen with an online whiteboard with her students for tutorials they can run through.

Works well!

Moir demo-ed this last month at on of our PD forums.


Gomisan said...

Hey if you're a teacher in Adelaide and looking for training with Interactive whiteboards check out

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