Thursday, March 03, 2005

Voice in Blended Learning Environments - Aiden's Class

Three minutes of comment on the pleasure of being a guest speaker for Aiden Yeh's language and culture class today.

(If you listen to the recording of this session make sure you crank up the volume when the students are speaking (it is audible), then turn it way down again when I'm talking!)


Bee said...

Thanks for the voice report on Aiden's session. A very interesting topic, I am listening to now. Unfortunately the student recording is very low and I can hardly understand what he is saying :-(

I have responded to your yesterday's comment in my blog. If only we could warn people who commented on the blog that we have responded. There should be an RSS for comments as well.

Chris said...

Hi, Michael,

Thanks for letting us know that you posted you thoughts about Aiden's class here. I hope I can find time to listen to/watch the whole recording, but there never seems to be enough time.

Elizabeth H-S said...

Hi Michael--
Now I'd like to figure out how you did the audio on your blog. I'll be doing Aiden with Alado, but am a little concerned about trying out the Mac side this Fiday--want to focus on the topic, not the technology.


Michael said...

Bee - an RSS for comments? Work on it. You've got some spare time haven't you? Do you really need to sleep or take time out at your country house?

Re the volume recording level: if you wind the volume up to almost max when the students speak it's quite audible, and then turn down again when I speak cos I'm loud!

Elizabeth - the audio for this entry is done with (around $20/month). It's excellent though. Who's this is in the pic? Is it you? And how do you get pix in the comments box? I must try it....

Good luck for the session with Aiden's class.

Michael said...

Der Michael - I now see that my pic appears automatically when I post a comment! :)

Aiden said...

I made a link from my online sked page to your audio blog and I also passed it on to my students. Your blog is really impressive ;-)

Michael said...

Thanks Aiden. I agree that it may be impressive in terms of the various formats a blogging post can take, but it's often pretty thin in content. I look at what other bloggers dd (write something very thoughtful, critical, analytical) and feel mine's a bit more like a sandpit!

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