Saturday, July 10, 2021

Song #28 With Her




Got no money, nowhere to go

No so funny with the old roads closed

Involved in a new life

Love and keeping still

Patience required to check the restless will


These times in the past

You’d have hit the road this morning

Free and alone; lonely and easy

Now the wind in the grass

Blows sometimes without you


But the smiles on waking

The hugs for the shaking

Feelings of a child in doubt

And in love


Means the sun can go down

And never return

The wind blow without me

The grass to brown be burned


I got no money, nowhere to go

But new roads are open

And this life with her still new

With love to help me through

With her to see me through

With me to help me through

With us to help me through




I have no memory of writing this; nor how the song went. No longer alone I'm now grappling with the changed nature of life. Exchanged freedom and loneliness for love! 

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