Thursday, July 29, 2021

Song #35 The North Wind




I came here cos I loved you

I leave now for the same

And as I ride home in the rain

Tears cloud my view


I see you standing silent in the wind

Gazing out to see

I know you’re crying for it’s the last time you’ll see me

But soon you’ll sing when you know you’re free of me


I had no wish to hurt you, or take your soul

Our worlds apart; our cultures old

Wild and untamed, I don’t belong in your world

‘Cept when your hair is swept by the North Wind


It blows in my face now as I journey home

Stops the tears running down my face

It’s the same wind that blows in your land

The North Wind still joins both our hands


(Michael Coghlan 1985)


The honeymoon was over. Back in Holland again. Relationship strained. I start dreaming about going home . A mournful, plaintive tune with a Celtic feel very much influenced by the music of Alan Stivell. It has the makings of a special song. Properly recorded it could be quite haunting.


Monday, July 26, 2021

Song #34 Dear Life


The song Dear Life was prompted by the joy with which my young son would crawl across the floor towards me as I sat on the floor playing the mandolin. I think he liked the fact that it was a much smaller instrument than the guitar, and I like to think he was also drawn towards the bright and infectious sound of the mandolin. Whatever his reasons it filled me with the joy of life whenever he did it – it simply gave me a greater appreciation of how dear life is. Corny perhaps, but true :)

Written in 1984.

Listen HERE

Lyrics HERE

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Song #33 OO A LA LA; OO A LA LA



LISTEN:   option A  /  option B (with Hiske)

I don’t see nothing wrong if you always win

You gotta take it all and it ain’t no sin

I’ve lived far too long with nothin’ in my hand

You gotta take it all and you gotta have a plan

Sorry if it’s your gasoline I’m using

Sorry if it’s your own space I’m taking



Up goes down, follow the sun

You gotta change your life for another one

Up goes down, follow the sun

You gotta change your life for another one


Once you had it all but now you don’t

Yesterday he came but tomorrow he won’t

You’re looking back to yesterday but that’s forever gone

Get up and look ahead come on come on

Many say to me that time is running out

I’m gonna find new shoes to run in



Oo a la la, Oo a la la, Oo a la la, Oo a la la (x4)

(and fade)


Michael Coghlan/Hiske Weijers 1983

A blatant attempt to write a bright and meaningless pop song. A quite catchy melody links a bunch of cliches. It’s actually a lot of fun to play.


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Song #32 A Song for Innocence




I’m reaching out for love

And I fear that when it comes

It will pass me right on by without a word

This sad old crying world can leave you down


We all know this world has problems

We all know that times are hard

But try and accept with wisdom

The many things you cannot change

Let your anger turn to joy if you care at all

About that drunk and lonely man on the road – goin’ nowhere


If you want to point a finger at the poor old man’s oppressors

If you want to preach a message then make it one of hope

And if you have no hope left in you keep you quiet

What are you doing preaching words of shock and hate?


We are all tethered to the same big tree

We’re all in this together: sadness, you and me

If you wanna give us something clever, give us words of hope

Try and make it easier for those who’ve lost their way

Your shocking angry sermons are a waste of words


No one’s listening

Are you listening?

If you’re listening

Sing I am listening…..


(Copyright Michael Coghlan 1983)



I had gone back to the theatre for the first time since I left school and found myself in a production that I think may have been called Songs of Innocence and Experience. Just checked and yes it was a collection of poems by William Blake.  There was a scene where the director wanted me to read a particular poem that I found offensive and I refused. It was one of those moments where I can be quite stubborn – I didn’t feel like such a poem added anything of value to the world. I know I didn’t read the poem in the play – perhaps someone else did – but I went away and wrote this song in response. I didn’t ever show it to the director! For the record, I thoroughly enjoyed the production and have many find memories of it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Argentina and Adelaide’s Lockdown – Another COVID Tale

for my dear friend Rita in Rosario :)

Argentina and Adelaide’s Lockdown – Another COVID Tale

What does Argentina have to do with Adelaide’s lockdown? Well as it turns out, very little! Earlier in the year an 81 year old Adelaide resident, originally from Argentina, went back to Argentina for a visit with his daughter. This immediately begs the question - how did they get permission for this journey? There are few details made public about why they were allowed to travel to Argentina and back but the fact is hundreds of Australians have been refused permission to leave or enter the country.

However, the man and his daughter began their two weeks hotel quarantine in Sydney on their return. Towards the end of this quarantine period the man apparently had a fall in his hotel room and had to be transferred to a general hospital. He was COVID tested, found to be negative, and eventually discharged and returned home to Adelaide.

Some days later he developed breathing problems and together with is daughter presented with his symptoms at the emergency department of a local hospital at 2.30 am. What kind of person walks into a hospital with breathing problems in this day and age? What the hell were they thinking???? He was COVID tested, found to be positive, and immediately 57 emergency ward staff at the hospital are sent into quarantine and the emergency department shut down!

When this story was reported in the media we all started thinking it was another case of someone bringing COVID into Australia from overseas. BUT, it turns out the 81 year old gentleman caught the virus in the hospital in Sydney!! Because he and his daughter had been cleared of COVID in Sydney they just went about their normal life when they got back to Adelaide. Now he and his daughter and 10 other people in the community are infected, and thousands of primary contacts – from restaurants, schools, offices, shops - are in home isolation. And the entire state of South Australia is now in a 7 day stay-at-home lockdown.

So if the old man hadn’t fallen over in his hotel room this wouldn’t have happened. But he can’t be blamed. The virus was already raging in Sydney. It did come from overseas – an overseas aircrew passed it on to the driver of a minibus some weeks earlier and it quickly spread because the NSW state government were reluctant to enter lockdown. In the end they had no choice, but they were too late. By then the virus had spread through most Australian states and consequently I sit here in lockdown again.


 A friend of mine has been playing with some musicians for a few years and gradually developing a collection of songs they might eventually play at gigs. Recently a new member joined the band. When my friend went to this new person’s house for band practice the band were talking about COVID vaccinations and a couple of them were saying they would not be getting the vaccine. When my friend told the others he was already vaccinated he was told he was not welcome at the house because he would now be passing the virus on to other people in the band!! My friend has since left the band and is really disappointed. Three years of building up a repertoire and musical relationships down the drain because of dumbf***ery.

COVID-19: the gift that keeps on giving.




Illuminate Adelaide – Light Cycles


Botanic Gardens, Sun 18 Jul 

Light Cycles is one of the flagship events of Illuminate Adelaide, and has been created by Montreal-based multimedia studio Moment Factory. The light and sound installations that entrance as you wander the lit path through the darkness are tailored to specific parts of the gardens. The bamboo garden becomes this wondrous spectacle of dancing light on the densely packed bamboo stalks. Mesmerising beams of light dance and bounce of trees on the other side of the lake in a hypnotic, wondrous spectacle. Elsewhere a myriad of twinkling lights gives the effect of wandering through vast open fields. And the beautiful Victorian glass (Palm House) seemed like it has been sitting there for a hundred plus years just waiting for Light Cycles to realise its full potential.

Each installation is accompanied by soundscapes that are part music, part sound effects. They tantalise as you draw near the next installation and perfectly complement the visual fantasies on offer.

It was a brilliant decision to hold this event in winter. OK – so a few nights may be lost to poor weather – but dragging yourself out into the cold winter night makes you somehow appreciate the whole experience even more. The cold no longer matters as you’re transported to a world of fantasy and wonder – just a little bit Zen really!

No doubt everyone wandering through Light Cycles is aware of how fortunate we are to be living virtually COVID free in South Australia. So it was alarming that the early part of the session I attended was a logjam of people in long queues ignoring social distancing and not wearing masks. Organisers have to sort this. Let fewer people in per session and monitor the crowd movement to keep people properly spaced. (As I write Illuminate Adelaide management are working on a plan to address this issue.)

But once past the logjam it was possible to enjoy the rest of the circuit wandering at a leisurely pace and let the senses take over; let your eyes, ears and mind explore the colourful darkness as art, light, technology and sound transform the gardens into – yes it’s a cliché – a winter wonderland!

POSTSCRIPT: 3 days later Adelaide went into a 7 day COVID lockdown. Hopefully this wonderful event can re-emerge on Jul 28th ....

Monday, July 19, 2021

What Australia Has Lost

I began reading Anh Do’s The Happiest Refugee yesterday. Anh and his family came here as boat people from Vietnam in 1980. It wasn’t long before the tears came. Not just because of the intensely emotional circumstances surrounding their gruelling boat journey away from Vietnam, but because of what Australia has lost as a nation.

Found in the South China Sea, Anh’s family were ferried to Malaysia and after time in a refugee camp they were resettled in Australia. Anh writes that for some years his family used to thank Bob Hawke in their nightly prayers for letting them come and live in his country! In fact, the number of times Anh recounts outpourings of gratitude from his family towards Australia is disarming. I cried because I felt enormous pride that we were once a nation that took in refugees and gave them shelter. I was proud to be part of that Australia. I cried too because our more recent policy towards refugees sees them languishing in a stateless limbo for years. I cried because I’m embarrassed that we have become so mean-spirited to those in dire need.

Anh Do’s story is full of references to decent human behaviour from average Australians helping newcomers adjust to life here. On the personal level, when you do someone a good deed it generally makes you feel good. And when you receive sincere gratitude in return you feel even better. Imagine all the cases in those times when Australians helped out newly arrived migrants and were bestowed with kindness and gratitude in return. What an enormous well of karma and wellbeing must have been built up from all of this selfless giving. On the collective level we can think of it as a vast store of social capital: it made the country feel good about itself. Societies with deep reserves of social capital exhibit effective functioning of social groups through interpersonal relationships, and a shared sense of identity. And not only did this result in a large number of people feeling good about themselves and the society they belonged to, but we also benefited from having wonderful people like Anh Do becoming part of our culture.

In contrast, what we have now is a policy that turns refugees away or keeps them locked up in off-shore detention indefinitely. There is no opportunity for Australians to demonstrate their generosity to newcomers; no opportunity to feel good about helping others who come from far away; no opportunity to gain invaluable social capital and feelings of wellbeing on an individual or collective level. Instead, we have become a nation that turns its back on those who ask for our help. How many Anh Dos have we turned away or confined to offshore detention? We will never know. Instead, we are left with the self-satisfaction that we have denied access to those in need; a strange and empty feeling that we have somehow protected and preserved our way of life. All I feel are awkward feelings of guilt and sadness – sadness that we have squandered a golden opportunity to simultaneously help others, nurture a national identity that is proud of its willingness and ability to welcome those in need, and improve the diversity and richness of our communities.

What a sad and shallow nation we’ve become. I’m glad that we did at least once upon a time accept the likes of Anh Do and his family into our lives.  


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Song #31 (Something New) The Silly Song



Dunno what to do?  do something new

Dunno what to say?  say something new

Dunno what to think?  think something new

Dunno what to sing? sing something new

For you



Make the spine tingle

Sing something to make the day go

Make the spine tingle

Sing something to make the day glow

You should never be stuck

For something new to do amigo

Get up off your butt and pull your finger out amigo

Lie wasn’t meant to be easy-o amigo

And you don’t really have to do a lot to make the day go



Dunno what to _______ ? _________ something new

Choose from:     
eat, write, sit, wear

                Paint, drink, drive

                Cook,  smoke,  jump,  think

                Sew,  hit, scratch, fly





(Michael Coghlan/Hiske Weijers  1983)


Another song from Hiske and I in a lighter mood to add a sense of fun to our performances. It did the job quite well. Features the phrase made fanous by the Australian Prime Minister of the time (Malcolm Fraser): Life wasn't meant to be easy!



Monday, July 12, 2021

Song #30 Sunny Avenue




Walkin’ along sunny avenue

Wondrin’ where all – all my time goes

Seein’ palm trees in my head

How and where will I get the bread

So many things to do

On this sunny avenue

Think I’ll stay home

Why go anywhere


All my friends are scrimpin, savin’

For their dream world far away

But we’ve got blue sky

And we’ve got Queensland

Why would we ever want to leave it?

What’s the point in tryin’?

What you gonna find there

That’s not here?



Gotta cross them bridges

Leave everything behind

Gotta cross them bridges

Leave everything behind

Everybody’s always telling you

Just where you should be going

But if you decide yourself

You’ll come up with something better


All my friends are scrimpin, savin’

For their dream world far away

But we’ve got blue sky

And we’ve got Queensland

Why would we ever want to leave it?

What’s the point in tryin’?

What you gonna find there

That’s not here?



(1982 Michael Coghlan/Hiske Weijers)


Hiske and I wrote this one together. It was an unabashed attempt at writing something commercial sounding - a pop song really. No deep or hidden meanings here. Just a bunch of cliches that hang together nicely with a jaunty reggae rhythm. Still play it occasionally.


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Song #29 Song for Margot

Sometime in 1982 Jeff and I began playing with Margot in our Last Wave trio. Margot played congas and sang. I had written an instrumental tune that we were experimenting with and Margot asked if she could have a go at writing some lyrics to it. That was fine with me, but we were very clear that we didn’t want it to be religious. (Margot was an avid Christian.) Some time later we were playing an outdoor gig in an Adelaide park on Easter Sunday when Margot suggests we do the song. Jeff and I were expecting to play it as an instrumental but Margot started singing – about Easter Sunday and the risen Christ!!!! We were stunned. I guessed we finished the song and at the end of the gig we agreed that we should go our separate ways. I went away and wrote the following lyrics to tell the story of what happened that day and it became one of my better and favourite songs. And it still is. Written in an upbeat English folk song style.

Margot – if you’re out there somewhere – thank you. And if you ever read this I hope there are no hard feelings.



I once wrote a song and it went like this

I gave it to a friend to write some words to

But she was a woman of God you see

She couldn’t find the words that suited me

She sang about God and she sang about a day

She sang about the love that the Christians say

Will save the whole world when the sky comes down

But I thought I could do it on my own

So we sang without words

We sang to the sky

We sang to the sun that shone in my eye

We sang to the people in the park that day

We sang the same tune in our different ways


She had long blond hair and she played on her drum

She played with the spirit of a life that’s done

With love and care for the people she sees

But she was blind to the truth that guided me

She couldn’t believe that the life we lived

Could be empty of the way she thought should work

So we sang without words, we sang the same tune

In different keys of the life we play

At the end of the song

We knew it was time

For the parting of the ways that we each must find

We sang without words

We sang to the sky

We sang to the people that happened by

Because of a tune that I wrote one day

It’s yours now friend if you’d like to play


(Copyright Michael Coghlan 1982)


Saturday, July 10, 2021

Song #28 With Her




Got no money, nowhere to go

No so funny with the old roads closed

Involved in a new life

Love and keeping still

Patience required to check the restless will


These times in the past

You’d have hit the road this morning

Free and alone; lonely and easy

Now the wind in the grass

Blows sometimes without you


But the smiles on waking

The hugs for the shaking

Feelings of a child in doubt

And in love


Means the sun can go down

And never return

The wind blow without me

The grass to brown be burned


I got no money, nowhere to go

But new roads are open

And this life with her still new

With love to help me through

With her to see me through

With me to help me through

With us to help me through




I have no memory of writing this; nor how the song went. No longer alone I'm now grappling with the changed nature of life. Exchanged freedom and loneliness for love! 

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Song #27 An English Folk Song

 In 1982 Hiske and I were doing a lot of busking and constantly looking for new and entertaining songs to sing on the street. Old English folk songs seemed very popular so we decided to write this light-hearted little ditty making fun of what seemed to be a standard format for so many English folk songs. (For the record, I love old English folks songs :) It proved quite popular. 



I am an English folk song and I go like this

If I had a sir in front of my name you could call me Sir John

But I’m not Sir John

I am an English folk song and I go like this



I’m not Dutch

G for German

F for French

I am an English folk song and I go like this


I must be sung through the nose

Or they won’t know what you say

You’ll be hearing me a hundred years from now

Once century to the next


And I use the same chords every year

So you won’t get confused

And I wouldn’t be an English folk song

If I didn’t go like this



Michael Coghlan/Hiske Weijers 1982)

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Song #26 The Ugly Australian


I wrote this song after a deck class passage on a Greek ferry between Greece and Haifa. Deck class was cheap and basic – you slept outside on deck but a meal was included. I complained about the dreadful meal (don’t remember what it was) but to placate me they put in the first class lounge. I sat there alone for quite some time before I was served a meal that wasn’t that much better.

Decades later I added a verse to highlight the plight of refugees languishing in Australian off-shore detention centres.



(listen HERE)


You put shit food down in front of me and expect me to eat it

You put me up in the first class lounge with my anger and expect that to placate it

I’m on a foreign boat in a foreign sea In times foreign to us all

At times like this I'm wonderin' why I’m so far from my native shore

So I’m going home


I’m tired of the ever moving round

I’m tired of the ever changing ground


Australia will you wait for me with your long and golden shore?

You’re a land of sun and dreams they tell me

But I wanna know for sure so I’m coming home


Are you keeping up with fashion? Or are you keeping down the poor?

Are you looking down the barrel? Or has nothing changed at all?  I’m going home.


You put shit food down in front of me and expect me to eat it

You stick me out on an offshore island with my pain and expect that to placate it

I’m in a foreign place in a foreign sea in times foreign to us all

Australia was what I was looking for - why I left my native shore

Now I can’t go home


I’m tired of the never moving round

I’m tired of the never changing ground


Australia I will wait for you with your long and golden shores

You’re a land of sun and dreams they tell me

Will I ever know for sure? I have no home


Are we closing up the country? Have we locked up all the doors?

Are those in need no longer welcome? When did we get so mean?

And they can’t go home

They have no home

(1982 and 2020)






Friday, July 02, 2021

Song #25 One Fine Day




One fine day I’m gonna be a rich man

One fine day I’m gonna be a rich man

And win the lottery;

I’ll split tween you and me the money

And give it all away



Give it all away to those with nothin’ to buy a new car

Give it all away to those with nothin’ to buy a new star of hope


You got an alibi; all got an alibi

You like your comforts

And your shower in the morning yeh yeh with your radio

With your radio; listen to what?

You don’t know – you’re not listening no no

You’re not listening no no


To that voice in your head that tells you

You don’t always need to get more

You know the prisons are full of those who suffered from your greed


Give it all away, give it all away

You got too much, you don’t need it no no

You don’t need it no no, all that money no no

So give it all away, give it all away




Give it all away, give it all away

You got too much, you don’t need it no no

You don’t need it no no, all that money no no

So give it all away, give it all away (repeat and fade)



A little reggae riff with a few throwaway lyrics that contain a little reggae attitude :) Enjoyable to play. Would make a good band song. 


Notes from New Caledonia and Vanuatu (November 2015)

Noumea Travel: the waiting game. Noumea. Hotel Nouvata. Lobby. 40 minutes till shuttle bus for airport arrives. Heading to Vanuatu. Should a...