Monday, October 16, 2006

Wonderin' Aloud

Well I haven't posted any movies on BlipTV yet but dear Steven has done one for me here. Ian Anderson's Wonderin' Aloud - just about my all time favourite song. Filmed in the lounge of a hotel in Christchurch. My bit starts about half way through.


Anonymous said...

It was a swell evening - thoroughly sentimental, with all it takes - good company and conversation, excellent diner and wine, some tears "wondering aloud" and singing :-)
It was great to meet you f2f!

Michael said...

It was a memorable evening wasn't it Bee - for many reasons :). I'm REALLY glad you enjoyed it.

Elizabeth H-S said...

Good jammin', Michael
wish I had been to that conference--sounded wonderful in so many ways.
PS: see you down under in a month or so!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the performance. And, what's more important, I enjoyed the option of seeing it on a full screen. Sometimes it's unavailable and it's sad.

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Noumea Travel: the waiting game. Noumea. Hotel Nouvata. Lobby. 40 minutes till shuttle bus for airport arrives. Heading to Vanuatu. Should a...