Thursday, November 17, 2005

Camera Blogging

this is an audio post - click to play

Leave Me on the Beach

this is an audio post - click to play

I'm thinking I might use this post as a spoken intro to a guide about audioblogging. Fit the bill? Oh yes - it was posted from the spot where I took the pic :)
PS. Leave Me on the Beach has been a favourite theme of mine over the years.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Audioblog v Podcast?

See these examples of podcasts that Graham Stanley is using with young learners in Spain:

When Graham writes:

"At the other place I work (teaching students of Tourism), I've asked the
learners for audio reports as part of their assessment on a short course on
theme tourism. The first group are just finishing these, and I'll be
uploading them to the site from tomorrow.

Here, the idea is for the students to produce a short radio-type report (as
a podcast) for a general audience. Their reports are to be made available to
anyone on the Internet who may be interested in listening , and I'm also
going to encourage the other students to listen to them."

This is similar to what others are calling audioblogging. What is it that makes one podcasting or audioblogging? Is it
* the intention (engage, instruct, invite comment)?
* the target audience?
* the software used?



Dafne Gonzalez and Lee Baber also shared what they were doing with their classes on the webheads discussion list. Let me take two examples:

1) Lee: "I am going to launch an audioblog.. one spokesperson per class.. for students to respond to the days lessons with questions, ideas, suggestions to other

2) Dafne: "Students summarize texts and record their summaries"

Lee uses the term audioblogging. Daf refers to activity number 2 above as podcasts. But in type, these two activities are essentially the same. Students are summarising and reporting in audio. So is podcasting and audioblogging the same thing? A minor point I realise - I often want to run away and do something more interesting when people start talking definitions but in this case I'm curious - is there a difference between podcasting and audioblogging?

Music and Me

 A friend asked me whether I'd ever told my friends about a song I wrote about a friend who got killed in a car accident. (See The Balla...