Saturday, November 23, 2013

RANDOM NOTES FROM IDEA13 CONFERENCE - Collaborating for next generation learning

RANDOM NOTES FROM IDEA13 CONFERENCE - Collaborating for next generation learning (MCG, November, 2013) 

Keynote Day 1

 Mark Pesce - the Network Takes Over

  • computer = connection 
  • new gens embrace connectivity (of devices/people/knowledge) 
  • librarians have won - knowledge is everywhere 


  • $79 Target tablet Indian 
  • dept of Ed sells tablets to students for $29 (Aakash
  • we will (ALL) be soon connected;what will we produce?? (Wikipedia +) 
  • knowledge = transforming facts > knowledge networks = capacity amplifiers 
  • at what age do we connect kids? (danger of obsession/distraction) 

SHARE THE LOVE (and assessment)

  • children need to be educated into the culture of shared knowledge > digital literacy/netiquette, etc 
  • HOW DOES ASSESSMENT WORK IN A WORLD OF SHARED KNOWLEDGE?? currently assessment involves separating student from the tools of knowledge construction 
  • "assessment is intrinsic to the act of sharing" 
  • how well do you relate? share? mentor? ie collaborate 
  • students will be members of peer networks based around history eg, Or Maths...; they may or may not be part of a 'class' 
  • repeat: "the culture of shared knowledge" 


  • connect, share, learn... 38% of schools now allow BYOD (which means BYO network) BUT sharing = cheating!!!! 
  • Future: lease/license instead of copyright/ownership dissonance betw classroom and outside world (which is connected); so classrooms just need to catch up with current reality 
  • people need to be scaffolded into networks 


  • Embedding Innovation - the tech does not make it innovative; it's about what you're doing with them
  • Makey Makey
  • kids reading from a script about the wonderful things they do - meh; but now they show vid they have made - yeh!
  • Skype conferences betw local schools on deforestation project. (One of the schools was Dallas Brooks PS in Melbourne)

Dror Ben -Naim - the Personalised Learning Future (Smart Sparrow) 

  • adaptive intelligence/tutors; adaptive learning: the new breed of ed tech tools? 
  • AI = artificial or adaptive intelligence; governs feedback and sequence 
  • B 2 B - brain to brain! In the neuro - electric - friendship dept 
  • future: everyone has an individually tailored course (with the help of intelligent courseware) ?? 
  • 1-1 has always been the best way of teaching; we can now scale it with technology 

Mark O'Rourke (Vic Uni) - Education and Training Games
NBN funded: the White Card Game - no dig literacy skills needed; a familiar environment (workplaces) 

Mark Dreschler - The Vendor Perspective

  • "All of us are teachers/students in a collaborative environment." ( 
  • talking about Moodle as the product of collaborative endeavour 
  • "vision of success - with flexibility on the specifics" 

DAY 2 

Keynote: NELSON GONGALEZ (Declara - an intelligent social learning platform)

automated knowledge work projected to be #2 disruptive tech
which 6 of my my network can help me with this task?
1) we're living in perpetual now "neuronification of the web"
2) "the intersection of neuroscience and social collaboration"
Declara does the analytics (searching) for you can start work with the data you need without having to look for it. What is the effect on us when we are now slaves to the analytics - ie not involved in the search?

RAJU VARANASI (ESA) Digital Learning- Platform Thinking Disruption 

2 types of platforms:
1) content intensive (eg YT, Amazon)
2) communication intensive (FB)
pipe thinking (pre-Internet) v platform thinking (post-Internet)
3 industries that survive via copyright: books, music, film; these are the 3 areas most experiencing disruption


Jo Norbury 

  • What's Driving VET Content? 
  • VET Commons not yet available; may promote/enable community creation? 

Andrew Hiskens (State Lib, VIC) 

  • curate became a verb in the 1980's in music festival context 
  • (good speaker but ignoring topic - why???) 

Steve Midgley (keynote) Making Education Internet Compatible 

  • Big Data.... 
  • Air BnB implements changes every day!! This is a contemporary trend in software. (Why?) 
  • YouTube: now 100 hrs/min; 
  • 2013: 40% mobile Twitter: 75% mobile 
  • You need concept thinking + mechanics (ie understand why you do things like quadratic equations)

Notes from New Caledonia and Vanuatu (November 2015)

Noumea Travel: the waiting game. Noumea. Hotel Nouvata. Lobby. 40 minutes till shuttle bus for airport arrives. Heading to Vanuatu. Should a...