Monday, July 30, 2007

This is where it all begins...

Chennai Ad
Originally uploaded by mikecogh
Saw these adds in a street in Chennai. Sounds like a good job doesn't it - about $600/month. My guess is that may be reasonable income here, but I'll check. Funny there's no mention of driving Australian people crazy...after the way Mohammed Haneef was treated that might solicit a few more interested takers.

Friday, July 06, 2007

A Conversation about Podcasting

Recorded in May - present were Michael Coghlan, Trevor Bennet (Edith Cowan University), David Day (Pilbara TAFE), Jenny Heathcote (Swan TAFE), Stuart Knox (Flexible Learning Framework) and Sue Waters (Challenger TAFE). The pedagogy of podcasting (podagogy?).

Monday, July 02, 2007


You too, can Springdoo

Getting Up Close and Friendly with Your Helpdesk

I'm adding this here because

1) it's funny. (Communication with Indian Call Centres is a fact of daily life Australia these days.)

2) Marlene requested that I add it to my blog so it could be seen behind TAFE firewalls.

So Marlene - your wish is my command. Let me know if it works.

Music and Me

 A friend asked me whether I'd ever told my friends about a song I wrote about a friend who got killed in a car accident. (See The Balla...