Saturday, June 05, 2021

Song #16 Images




If images tell the story

Hiding behind their screen

Are people with open hearts likely to win?


If their truth is bottled

In receptacles of caution

Awaiting any future holocaust


As children’s eyes beam

And dog tongues do slobber

So do adult eyes cry


For simple understanding

The right to express emotion

About the years to come


A rolling stone capitulates

As the holy book warns

Prophets are venerated as a new source of bliss


A world views its ransom

The animal in us is winning

Must we now be stripped of our clothes?


Is it time to answer our hearts?

Do cliches follow cliches?

Creating their own?





In truth I don’t know what this is about but I have a few clues. Clearly I had been doing some thinking! I might leave the meaning to the critics 😊 Written more as a poem than song lyrics, nevertheless there is a melody that I still remember and is quite therapeutic to play.

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